US Money Chapter 7 – Backwards, Bandages & Bridges

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Backwards, Bandages and Bridges 7.77 Step Backwards – Fewer Laws: Free Market Banking & Money Creation

In a world governed by the pressure of organised interests, the important truth to keep in mind is that we cannot count on intelligence or understanding but only on sheer self-interest to give us the institutions we nee…

1 September 16, 2018
About the US Money Chapter 7 – Backwards, Bandages & Bridges category 1 September 18, 2018
Backwards, Bandages and Bridges 7.78 Step backwards: return to the ‘gold standard’ or gold

…gold and economic freedom are inseparable, that the gold standard is an instrument of laissez-faire and that each implies and requires the other. — Alan Greenspan in Gold and Economic Freedom (1966), Chair of the Fed…

2 September 16, 2018
Backwards, Bandages and Bridges 7.79 Bandages: more laws

More laws could function as bandages, slowing the hemorrhaging as wealth flows from most of us to a tiny few. Use existing law Break up the banks deemed too big to fail The simplest and most immediate action we can take…

2 September 16, 2018
Backwards, Bandages and Bridges 7.80 Bridge: public banking & money creation

Public banking is a step toward a level playing field: let government get in on the game. Public banking can be a useful bridge, though it will not address the most serious issue in our current system: exponential growth…

2 September 16, 2018